"[1st Counselor Jedediah] Grant claimed that he 'never misused a beast.' He declared in a sermon that people who 'beat, and kick, and pound their cattle, horses' are exhibiting 'nonsense.' He then declared: 'Do right, be kind and gentle.' Grant recalled as a young boy his brother had asked if there were quails in heaven. Jedediah meditated on the subject and felt there was a positive answer. He read John Wesley's views on animal life in heaven and was confirmed in his convictions. Upon joining the Mormons, Grant read Joseph Smith's views in the Doctrine and Covenants and said the teaching of animals existing in the hereafter gave him 'great joy and satisfaction.'"
Other Sources
Other Writings of Mormons | Animals and the Church (2003) [Pages 35-6]
Published in
Kindness to Animals