October 02, 2022

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Latter-day Saint Earth Stewardship
Christopher Oscarson


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Our Role As Co-Creators

(Salt Lake City, Utah, October 1, 2022) - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints reaffirmed and clarified the importance of the human family’s stewardship of the Earth today at its October session of the 192nd General Conference. This understanding came through a powerful talk given by Elder Gérald Caussé, Presiding Bishop.

Bishop Caussé began by describing beauties of the Earth. He reminded us that "our interactions with the beauties of nature around us can produce some of the most inspiring and delightful experiences in life."

He then went on to explain the doctrine of stewardship. “Our stewardship over God’s creations also includes, at its pinnacle, a sacred duty to love, respect, and care for all human beings with whom we share the earth.” 

He explained,“The care of the earth and of our natural environment is a sacred responsibility entrusted to us by God, which should fill us with a deep sense of duty and humility. It is also an integral component of our discipleship.” He added, "As God’s children, we have received the charge to be stewards, caretakers, and guardians of His divine creations."

He ended his remarks by promising “great spiritual blessings . . . to those who love and care for the earth and their fellow men and women. As you stay faithful in this sacred stewardship and honor your eternal covenants, you will grow in the knowledge of God and of His son, Jesus Christ, and you will feel their love and their influence more abundantly in your life.” He added, “At the end of this mortal existence, the Master will ask us to give an account for sacred stewardship, including how we have cared for His creations.”

Our organization, Latter-day Saint Earth Stewardship, celebrates the wisdom, guidance, and joy expressed by Bishop Caussé. We are mindful of our planet, all of her living things, and believe that as we care for the planet, we are showing love to both God and neighbor. We are excited to accept Bishop’s Caussé challenge to be better stewards.

geraldcausse1“I’m so grateful for the teachings of the restored gospel about our sacred Stewardship of God’s creations and grateful to living prophets who keep our focus on the Savior.” - George Handley

“It’s so wonderful to hear a General Authority speak in General Conference about the importance of environmental stewardship—I’ve been hoping for this for so long and I definitely got emotional listening to Bishop Caussé speak! I hope and pray that this is a catalyst for conversations and positive change regarding environmental stewardship among Church members the world over! I really feel like this could be a turning point for us.” - Elisabeth Currit

“Bishop Causse's words renewed my spirit and inspired me with new ways of thinking about how I honor creation. They also reinforced the importance of the LDSES mission. If you were touched by his words and want to be more engaged, come join us! Earth stewardship is in our name. It's in our modus operandi. We have a community and a role for you to play! - Phil Fernberg, Board Chair Latter-day Saint Earth Stewardship

More information on the Church’s message on Environmental Stewardship and Conservation is available on the church’s website.


ABOUT LATTER-DAY SAINT EARTH STEWARDSHIP (LDS EARTH STEWARDSHIP - LDSES): Latter-day Saint Earth Stewardship is a non political 501(c)3 nonprofit. Our mission is to: honor the Creator by living and testifying of gospel principles of earth stewardship. We are united by the belief that earth stewardship is a gospel principle and gathered for the purpose of exploring and promoting that principle. Our focus is on the community and theology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. However, our organization does not have an official affiliation with the Church.

Website: https://www.ldsearthstewardship.orgFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/LDSEarthStewardshipInstagram: https://instagram.com/ldsearthstewardship?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=Twitter: https://twitter.com/LDSEarthSteward